The 31st




Freegan ferries powder the sidewalks of the city with magic on the last day of the month.  Leases are up and people are eager to move on.  Oh but bed bugs you say? Well, according to my probability tests, there is a lower likelihood for bed bugs on this day, as items aren't being tossed out in haste on the 7th or 23rd, but with timely intention right on the 31st.  Another indicator for the presence of bed bugs is the type of objects piled within close enough proximity have have originated from the same apartment.  If a person throws out linens and a mattress, but also spatulas and lamps and dishes, then I'm likely to deem it a simple case of moving house rather than extermination.


On this day, we gathered a bed frame with drawers in superb condition, a double memory foam mattress with cover and topper, countless sheets, duvets, comforters, dishes, cups, a rubbermaid under the bed drawer, and lots and lots of squares of mirror...perfect for arts and crafts time!