Popcorn refills

Before we left the movie theater, I refilled all three of our popcorn bags once last time.  The next day I heated up some crystallized honey that my aunt was getting rid of (crystals didn't matter since I was melting it), freegan brown sugar, butter, cinnamon left from a subletter, cardamon, nutmeg, and vanilla in a makeshift double boiler.  I let it get good and gooey.  Then I tossed in some pecans left from when my mom was here and pepitas left from a dinner party, plopped the concoction over the popcorn, and stirred.  Once the popcorn was evenly coated, I laid it out on two cookie sheets.  I had some white chocolate that my brother had discarded, so I melted it in the double boiler and drizzled it over the top.  Then I let it all get crunchy in the oven at 275º for about an hour.  The salty movie popcorn, nuts, and seeds lend themselves nicely to the cinnamon sweet coating.  A perfect Oscar-night accompaniment!